Saturday, November 19, 2011

Volleyball Practice 11/19/11

Hey, everyone. Today I practiced volleyball on my own. I'm planning to do this as often as I can, homework and weather permitting, but hopefully once a week or so.

Today I practiced for 40 minutes, and I did a little of all the basics.
I practiced some hitting (aka spiking), bumping, setting, and a little back and forth passing with my dad. At the end, I recorded how many in a row I could do of each of these skills.

I did 35 fist bump things, which I will call fist bumps for the moment, but I don't know an official name yet, if there is one, but I'll keep you posted.

I did 30 consecutive bumps.

I did 7 consecutive sets.

I feel like I can definitely improve a lot on setting, and probably bumping and ball control too. The fist bumps are for working on ball control. I also practiced for a little bit a skill I learned at a volleyball camp last summer called the pancake. It's for saving the ball when it's really close to the ground.

I'll keep you all posted on when I do this, hopefully it will be often, but I will write it briefer. In the future, most likely I'll just write an overview of what I did, my score on the bumping, setting, and fist bumps for the day, and possibly something I could improve on.
Also look forward to more pictures.

Have a happy Thanksgiving everyone, and play volleyball!

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